Your invited to THE BROTHERS
Welcome to the KING UP Accountability Mastermind group. With the rise in Men’s work globally it is increasingly clear that men are looking to come back together in a meaningful and directed way to illuminate the qualities that are important for us to embody as men in the new world being created.
As important as it is for men today to learn how to connect to their heart, their emotional body, and their deeper purpose, this mastermind group also aims to centre around a performance culture of action and direct transparent accountability.
KING UP exists as a container for men who know that embodying the inner KING requires both the Heart and the Mind, both feeling deeply and taking consistent action. We have created his Accountability Mastermind group because the world needs more men rooted in their hearts taking consistent action towards a meaningful future.
The world needs the KING inside of you waiting to be embodied!

This accountability mastermind group is for any man who is ready and willing to invest in themselves with a sincere desire to level up in all 5 pillars.
This is for men who are ready to be held accountable to a higher standard in their life and are tired of mediocre results.
This is for men who realize that balance in all the core categories is crucial to really thrive.
This mastermind group is focused in 5 Key Pillars which are required for the masculine to thrive
The format of the group calls will be:
1. Breath
2. Accountability, review of last week's results, setting new goals
3. Teachings, process work, group exercises, group discussion






This mastermind group held online over Zoom.
With accountability as the cornerstone of our group's commitment, frequency of connection is paramount for long term success. The mastermind meets online weekly for a 1 hour call.
Every Wednesdays at 5:00pm PST (8:00pm EST)

Along with weekly teachings, processes, exercises, and discussions centered around the 5 pillars, each member in the community will receive an advanced goal tracking and accountability document called the GS&R Method.
GS&R stands for “Goal Setting & Review”. This tool will track all of your goals for the year and whether you are doing what you say you need to do on a week to week basis.
This method helps us all to audit each other's goals, set SMART Goals, and examine if your goals are relevant and in alignment with your purpose and values.
Each member's file will be transparent for all other members to see at any time. Full transparency ensures that none of us can hide. This helps with accountability.

Where normally these three KINGS would be working with you directly for $200/hr, you will get access to not one, but all three of there expertise in all 5 pillars for only $100/month.
There is nothing a man fears more than knowing he’s not living up to his potential. Men are meant to grow, we need a mission, we are action driven.
Stop waiting, start acting, and be held accountable along the way by loving KINGS
As men, we have a duty to become the highest version of ourselves to be of greater service to this world — we are the stewards of the 3D realm. We are inviting you to say “yes” to action in alignment with your highest potential, and thus becoming of greater service to the world.

(click below to register)

Enter in at a month to month Subscription of $100

Purchase 6 months, one month free
Gain the opportunity to make commissions for bringing men in, and running calls.

Purchase 1 year, get 3 months free
A year long mentorship resulting in in the most powerful year you’ve experienced.

