What is Accelerated Evolution?
Accelerated Evolution combines a unique set of powerful, cutting-edge, transformational techniques into a flexible flow of processes that can eliminate almost ANY emotional or mental block, emotional “knot” or non-serving belief fast, fully, and permanently within in an hour.
These precisely guided verbal processes quickly and effortlessly relieve mental & emotional stress – by removing inner resistance and allowing the participant to do the work themselves in the moment. When combined with formal business coaching and structured accountability entrepreneurs can accelerate the path of evolution both spiritually and in the world of business
Accelerated Evolution was discovered by distilling and synthesizing the most highly effective “no-nonsense” methods in modern therapy, cognitive research, human potential and perennial wisdom.
The result is a supremely effective suite of methods for dissolving emotional and mental blocks we all have, clearing the path for easily attaining goals, making peace with the past and and creating more freedom never before felt or enjoyed.
Brad Samuels is a certified Accelerated Evolution Coach See Here.
In addition to quickly relieving mental & emotional stresses and blockages, these processes will dissolve the masks that veil your free and unburdened True Self, allowing authentic joy and self-expression beyond even long-ingrained conditioning and societal imprints.. Accelerated Evolution is deceptively simple; but it is the exact, direct, unadorned and “pierce to the core” nature that has quickly made it so popular with physicians, executives and high-level coaches around the world.

There are two parts to every challenge: The objective problem and the subjective problem
The objective problem is comprised of the circumstance or ‘facts’. The subjective challenge, however, is merely our reaction or the mental/emotional lens we subconsciously bring to the external circumstance. Often these lenses obscure clarity of vision, alternative solutions or the fact that there is actually no problem at all!
Used skillfully, the guided techniques of Accelerated Evolution Method allow us to internally address and “magically” dissolve these lenses quickly, predictably and permanently.

Identity Clearing
Identity Upgrades
Character trait integrations
Character completions
Define Purpose Statement
Define Personal Mission Statement
Define Vision for life
Define Values & Principles

The Universal Process is used to integrate general and abstract polarities and terms, like
success and failure, as there are so many kinds of successes and failures. As well as
quickly removing problems and negative conditions, The Universal Process can also be
used to awaken positive characteristics and personality traits, positive emotional states and
desirable identities.
Birth & Death
Purpose & Purposeless
Change & Stability
Rich & Poor
Scarcity & Abundance
** Integrate any polarity which is causing disharmony in life **
As well as quickly removing problems and negative conditions, DP4 can also be used to
awaken positive characteristics and personality traits, positive emotional states and
desirable identities. This procedure is the deliberate and conscious neutralization of a
specific pair of polarities.
Embody more confidence
Embody more peace
Embody more courage
Embody more love
Etc ...
** Awaken any trait needed for next action steps in your life **
The Aspectics Process is used to integrate/alleviate unwanted states, for instance: fear of
exams, stage fright, tenseness in the presence of authority, jealousy, anxiety, cravings, etc.
It can also be used for goals you wish to achieve, and to integrate things or behaviours you
feel critical about.
" I had been second guessing myself and noticed a lot of self-doubt. Brad was keen to help me. He set up an hour call and put me through a super unique process that I have never heard of before. He asked me a series of simple, yet incredibly thought-provoking questions to guide me to a deeper sense of self, and meaning. The whole process took less than an hour and I was able to clearly understand my aspired goal of wanting to trust myself and what my higher essence of being is!
I highly recommend reaching out to Brad if you feel blocked in your life. Thank's Brad for helping me unblock my doubt and get back on track!"
- Chris Philips, Vancouver BC